Keys to Documenting Results

Keys to Documenting Results

The first key to accurate documentation of what the group has said is to make sure participants’ words ...

Applying Appropriate Methods

Applying Appropriate Methods

Applying appropriate methods to ensure task completion and results is complex, including thorough plannin ...

Understanding What the Client Needs and Wants
client collaboration

Understanding What the Client Needs and Wants

A client called a facilitator and said, “What I need is a strategic plan.” The facilitator, assuming ...

ToP Tools for Discerning Client Needs
client collaboration / design eye / facilitation design

ToP Tools for Discerning Client Needs

We use two tools to discern client needs. The first is a simple tool that helps with a simple request. ...

The Joy of Co-Facilitation Teamwork
co-facilitation / ToP

The Joy of Co-Facilitation Teamwork

At the IAF Conference in Ottawa in 2018, I had the opportunity to co-facilitate a session with two indige ...

Facilitator’s Internal Reflection While Leading a Group
adapting to the group / ORID

Facilitator’s Internal Reflection While Leading a Group

This internal reflection allows you to quickly think through a response on your feet when the process is ...

ORID as an Underlying Structure for Effective Meeting Design
ICA Associates / ORID

ORID as an Underlying Structure for Effective Meeting Design

We teach ORID as the structure of a Focused Conversation.  However, it is much more than that.  Since i ...

Orchestrating Successful Events

Orchestrating Successful Events

Have you ever had an experience of an event that seemed like a complete experience – maybe it start ...

Operating Effectively in a Hybrid World
hybrid meetings

Operating Effectively in a Hybrid World

From June to November of 2021, ICA Associates conducted 7 webinars on Operating Effectively in a Hybrid W ...