Faciliation Tools


All our tools and methods are linked to empowering processes, values and a philosophy of personal integrity. Here are few of our tools.

Strategy Workshop

Strategy Workshop

Where does strategy come from? There is a key mental model and process behind the articulation of powerfu ...

Social Process Triangle

Social Process Triangle

This is the most powerful diagnostic tool for understanding whole system dynamics in society and organiza ...



The STEPS model is a facilitator/client collaborative device for co-managing small events and large-scale ...

Participatory Strategic Planning

Participatory Strategic Planning

ICA’s participatory strategic planning is well-known around the world in companies, governments, non-pr ...

Consensus Workshop Method

Consensus Workshop Method

Every facilitator needs to know how to build a consensus within a group. This method has forty years of p ...

Focused Conversation Method

Focused Conversation Method

This is the single most valuable method for any facilitator. It allows any group to have a safe conversat ...