Facilitation Training:
Leadership for a complex world
Learn to thrive on uncertainty and complexity with methods transferrable to all professions. Get skills that last a lifetime with powerful results and a commitment to action from every team and work group you work with. Learn to navigate any group through any situation. Our comprehensive Learning Journey features programs with skills in involvement, participation, empowerment and transformation.

Trusted by happy customers worldwide
Group Facilitation Methods will change your life and is a prerequisite for most other courses.
Learn to design and lead focused conversations on any topic and to build consensus with large diverse groups. Practice sessions will build your confidence to engage and transform.
Transforming Society
Learn tools and methods to empower neighbourhoods, cities, regions and governments.
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Transforming Organizations
Every organization is experiencing the need for transformation. You can learn how to create a culture of participation.
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Individual Journey
Begin your own learning journey. Start by becoming a Meeting Facilitator and move all the way to Transformational Facilitative Leader. Start the path wherever you are most comfortable within four stages. Get coaching and mentoring support throughout. Earn certification.
Organization Journey
We will come to you to train cohorts of colleagues. This can change your culture, especially in combination with our expert facilitation. Support engagement and joint decision-making within any workgroup. An entire team can become a successful demonstration of how to launch, implement and bring to conclusion major projects and initiatives. Our learning management system allows you to track progress and for individuals to earn certification. Contact us for a free consultation.
Packaged Programs
Our packaged programs lead to specialized skills and certifications and offer large discounts over individual courses. Packages can offer mentoring and other supports. Alternative course dates are available for every package. Courses are available live online, through in-person classroom courses, and many as online self-directed courses.
Flexible Learning Modes
Every ICA course has compelling theory, dynamic demonstration from certified professionals, robust practice for every participant with feedback, and lots of practical applications, examples and case studies. Colourful manuals with easy-to-use templates for each course are accompanied with other instructional material like books, videos. High participant interaction is vital for all courses with live-online and in-person courses. When you register look for your preferred kind of learning, as well as the date and location of courses.
Professional certification
We support two types of professional certification. The International Association of Facilitators (IAF) administers the industry standard assessment for Certified Professional Facilitator (CPF). ICA can prepare you for CPF assessment with two IAF endorsed programs. ICA Associates Inc. also assesses Certified ToP Facilitators (CTF) a global standard among ICA's for breakthroughs in consensus building, strategic planning, action planning and consultations of all types.
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