Micronutrient Initiative
The Micronutrient Initiative was transitioning from a small department within a federal government agency into an international NGO with a potential impact on millions of people around the world at a population level.
At First
Breakthroughs in the science of iron, Iodine, vitamin A and folic acid could attract global funding for use in underdeveloped countries to handle anemia and other population level problems. But working within a government agency severely limited operational flexibility. ICA Associates Inc. helped over several years to transform the organization.
Our Solution
An International NGO would need a stable structure, an expansion plan to other nations, concrete goals with funding capacity, and high level advocacy in many new nations.
- Step 1
- Step 2
- Step 3
- Step 4
The Result
Anemia has been reduced on several continents from increased Iron in diets. Cretinism, goiter and hypothyroidism has been reduced in many nations from iodine inclusion. The GDP increased measurably in several countries from the reduction of work loss from illness. Branches opened in Asia and Africa.