Strategic Planning: Achieving Breakthroughs & Commitment through Co-creation

Conventional strategic planning can cause disconnects between the people making decisions and the employees who have to implement them, which can cause issues around motivation, implementation, or even missed opportunities

Diversity? Yes! Inclusivity? Not yet!

Diversity? Yes! Inclusivity? Not yet!

Canadian workforce: more exclusion than inclusion, prejudice is widespread   ‘Highly diverse ...

Happy Clients? 4 Common Mistakes Facilitators Make.

Happy Clients? 4 Common Mistakes Facilitators Make.

Let's talk about some common mistakes that a facilitator makes when dealing with clients. Mistake 1: Whe ...

Community Development Tools and “Buy-in” Culture

Community Development Tools and “Buy-in” Culture

There it was again. “This has shaped up well. Now we just need to get buy-in from the users.” Hearing ...

From war to family quarrels: reflecting on the gift of conflict resolution skills

From war to family quarrels: reflecting on the gift of conflict resolution skills

The world we live in is full of conflicts, large and small, from war to a quarrel in the family. Facing a ...

Facilitator competency

Facilitator competency

Have you checked this out? IAF facilitator competency C2: Honouring diversity: ensuring inclusiveness ...

Getting to the Bottom of ToP

Getting to the Bottom of ToP

Are you asking what is the secret that makes ToP methods really work? Or do you want to understand the st ...

Advanced Facilitator Program Description

Advanced Facilitator Program Description

Interested in mastering ToP methods?  This program addresses all the ToP competencies and prepares you f ...

Summer webinar

Summer webinar

There is still time left to sign up for our online Group Facilitation Methods. Starts August 15th. It’ ...

Using the Historical Scan to recover from setbacks in the fight for LGBTQ+ rights in China

Using the Historical Scan to recover from setbacks in the fight for LGBTQ+ rights in China

LGBTQ+ NGOs in China operate in very oppressive environment and sustain their momentum through the close- ...