Jo Nelson, IAF (International Association of Facilitators)  CPF (Certified Professional Facilitator) (c:Emeritus and ICA CTF (Certified ToP Facilitator)), is one of the founders of ICA Associates Inc., and a renowned facilitator and author. She has written several books on ToP facilitation and its origins, is a founding member of the International Association of Facilitators and is honored in the IAF Hall of Fame.   

This September, Jo will be leading our Facilitating Conciliation: Beyond Conflict Resolution course in Toronto on September 23-24. This course, originally developed by Jo and her late husband Wayne, has been taught internationally and is a prime opportunity to explore how ToP methods can effectively address many levels of conflicts and design impactful interventions for entrenched issues. Don’t miss this chance to learn from one of the creators and discover how conflict energy can be transformed into a force for positive change.  

Learn more about the course 

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