Facilitation training

Transformational Strategy (LO) live online

Strategic thinking to produce breakthrough actions
Learn and practice online with a live group of people and two professional facilitators as instructors. Content is the same as the in-person classroom course.

Engage strategic thinking into planning to lead to breakthrough

Pre-Requisite : Group Facilitation Methods

*Transformational Strategy Online is part of the Facilitative Leadership Program the Advanced Facilitator Program, and the ToP Facilitation Essentials Program

Maximize innovation, creativity and flexibility of your organization’s strategies by weaving stakeholder perspectives into your long range plans. Diverse input will build commitment and action into the transformation.

Transformational Strategy is for executives, managers, and consultants who must enhance a group’s potential to think and act strategically and empower them to act immediately. This course demonstrates the power of the Technology of Participation ToP® Participatory Strategic Planning used in thousands of organizations world-wide and is required as a Certified ToP Facilitator

This courses demonstrates how to lead participatory strategic planning and, perhaps more importantly, shows how to involve everyone in strategic thinking.

Learn and practice online with a live group of people and two professional facilitators as instructors. Content is the same as the in-person classroom course and the manual can be downloaded.

This course is from 9 am – 5 pm in the time zone indicated, unless otherwise noted.

The price is CAD$1,895, plus applicable tax.


Participatory strategic planning increases innovation and commitment so that major transformations and smaller projects can be implemented quickly and even modified if the environment or situation changes.

Facilitate innovative strategic thinking

  • Engage multiple perspectives in productive dialogue
  • Enable groups to create innovative, well conceived plans
  • Groups prepared for immediate implementation

Focus energy and commitment toward positive results

  • Practical action plans with schedules and assignments.
  • Expanded responsibility for action, follow through, results and learning.
  • Accomplishments that exceed expectations.


Build solid teams that work together

  • Improve communication among members of the group
  • Build solid, lasting consensus
  • Develop common purpose and motivation

Faster more flexible implementation

  • Quicker modification when situations change.
  • Groups prepared for immediate implementation.

Day One

  • Overview of strategic planning
  • Strategic thinking – a 4 step process
  • Historical Scan process
  • Facilitating a vision workshop
  • Keys to creating a shared vision


Day Two

  • Contradictional thinkining and transformation
  • Facilitating an underlying obstacles workshop
  • Strategic thinking and leveraged strategy
  • Generating strategies that transform
  • Personal strategic planning


Day Three

  • Implementation schemes
  • Facilitating an action planning workshop
  • Keys to effective action planning
  • Adaptations of the model
  • Implementing structures
  • Image change and implementation team behaviour

Participate from anywhere in the world with high-speed internet access. We use Zoom and the online whiteboard, Mural.co, for full interactivity.

All sessions - A commitment to full time participation in all the online sessions and the homework exercises.

Real practice - You will need to do homework exercises between sessions, and be prepared to share what you have learned.

  • Executives, directors who are responsible for an entire company or community in long range visioning or strategic planning.
  • Managers, supervisors and staff who must enhance a group's potential to think and act strategically and empower them to act immediately.
  • Consultants who work with many organizations or communities on strategic planning, action planning or transformation.
  • Leaders who must create participatory plans with groups.
    This course demonstrates the power of the Technology of Participation ToP® Strategic Planning used in thousands of organizations and communities world-wide which is required as a Certified ToP Facilitator

Learn four important methods for all forms of planning:

  • Historical Scan - bring closure to the old, and get everyone on the same page
  • Practical Visioning – create a shared vision of the future with any group.
  • Contradictional and Root Cause Analysis – safely identify barriers preventing success
  • Strategy Development – generate innovative strategies that lead to success using a group’s creativity
  • Action Plans – develop practical action plans that inspire commitment and immediate implementation.
  • Image Change - how to empower teams to behave in ways that support the new strategies and structures.


Each session includes:

  • Demonstration of the process.
  • Theory behind the methods.
  • Exploration of how the process can be applied.
  • Examples from real experience that reveal practices that lead to success.
  • Variations for different situations.

You will be able to apply these skills in both online and in face-to-face meetings.


"The course set me up to lead participatory strategic planning for our organization just a couple of months later. This will improve our ability to serve clients who are increasing access to safe drinking water and sanitation for communities around the world."

Lisa Mitchell

"I use all my ICA facilitated learning day to day in meetings, coaching, workshops. I will be leading a strategic plan in the next few weeks and I am excited about that."

Course Participant

"I really enjoyed learning a "method" that was simple and made sense that brought out facilitation process, participation from the group and created a leadership style that people could relate to and feel included and valued."

Course Participant