Internal images and behaviour change
Pre-Requisite : Group Facilitation Methods
Good facilitation can result in good products. Extraordinary facilitation leads to positive changes in how people see themselves and each other and results in meaningful behaviour change. This course shows the keys for facilitating groups with unhelpful behaviour patterns and for shifting those patterns.
Learn how to:
- Find the sources of unhelpful behaviours.
- Apply facilitation methods to support behaviour change.
- Reframe facilitation as a transformation skill.
- Equip yourself with deeper insights into facilitation methods.
- Become a powerful facilitator, comfortable with your own struggles as well as a client’s.
- The processes in this course are at the core of ICA’s Technology of Participation ToP™. They are transferable to all disciplines and are essential for supporting change.
As with all ICAA training, this course is delivered by professional facilitators who actually demonstrate the materials, lead reflections to learn collaboratively, provide real life examples from experience, and set you up to practice with others using a suite of tools. Sometimes you might work on interesting case studies. Sometimes you work on your own case. The high quality manual is full of useful materials: underlying theory, short readings, step-by-step instructions, templates, and worksheets. As a result you will have the confidence to use your new understandings immediately with clients of your own.
Both the “live online” and “in-person” courses are usually scheduled from 9 am – 5 pm in the time zone of the location mentioned. Please check the timing carefully when registering.
You will need to choose your preferred type of setting or mode of delivery. The descriptions of the differences between live online (LO), in-person (IP) are explained in an expandable section near the bottom of this web page.
Courses are held from 9 am – 5 pm in the time zone of the location mentioned.
Price is in CAD$1,445.00. Applicable tax is extra.
All ICA and ToP methods have in common an individual and group empowerment value not necessarily explicitly stated in the methods, but implicitly visible in their impact and results. This course makes the transformation explicit for the facilitator and shows how.
Enable human and group transformation
- Learn how to use your facilitation and leadership to effect reflection and change
- Use tools and techniques that reinforce positive images and behaviour
- Learn to design participatory processes that transform
Shape the atmosphere for collaboration and transformation
- Create the conditions for positive participation
- Address difficult situations and meet ethical challenges
- Tools to find and respond to the sources of unhelpful behaviours
Practical ways to maximize the impact of facilitated events
- Skills to deepen your facilitation
- Ability to motivate individuals and groups to positive action
- Appropriate responses to individual and group struggles
Deeper insights into facilitation method and style
- A more grounded view of your own life struggles
- Stronger connections between facilitation techniques and deeper principles
- Connect methods and theory to values and philosophy
Day One
Images and Behavior
- Experiences of transformation
- Changing images and behavior
- Image shifting experiences
- Phases of image change
Day Two
Desiging for Image Change
- Shifting images exercise
- Messages in facilitation tools
- Choosing tools
- transformational environment
- Diagnosis and design process
- Designing meetings and workshops
Power of Image Change is for leaders who want to enable genuine transformation and positive change.
- Organizational leaders will learn methods for lasting change.
- Managers will discover ways to maintain positive engagement and motivation.
- Community leaders will find ways to make deep change in the ways people relate to community change and development.
- Facilitators will deepen their understanding of facilitation principles and transformative change.
This course contains self-reflective practices and group methods that can occasion significant change in an individual or a group in the direction of self and group empowerment.
- Imaginal Education links the power of image change to behavior.
- Lifeline of Image Shifts is a personal reflection method.
- Event Orchestration is a template for creating an event that has impact far beyond simple products.
- Seven Phases of Image Change describes the process that individuals go through to change a behaviour.
- Image Shift Exercise is a template used by an individual or group to self-program and reinforce an important image and behaviour.
You can choose to take this course In Person (IP) or Live Online (LO). The codes IP or LO show in the course name when you register.
In Person (IP) classes are instructor-led events occurring in the same room on specific dates with one group of people. You have a deep level of dialogue with face-to-face practice in breakout groups, get paper manuals and books, use pen-and-paper worksheets and exercises and enjoy breaks and lunches together. Instructors demonstrate methods using flipcharts, index cards, marker pens and wall chart visuals . The experience for participants can be similar to working with a client in a live setting. There is no practice of online tools.
Live Online (LO) classes are instructor-led events occurring at the same time with the same people, using our learning management system and online platforms, primarily Zoom and Mural. The course covers the same material as an IP course but uses online tools with plenty of small group exercises. Manuals and books are downloadable as PDFs that can be printed out if you want. There are no programs or apps to download. Participants need a computer with a large screen (a cell phone won't work well), a high speed internet connection, and earphones or earbuds. We do not actively “teach” online tools, but participants get so see and experience the ones we use during the course.
Self Directed (SD) courses are sets of “modules” like mini-courses, each containing short videos, readings, quizzes and games and assignments. You take them at your own speed any time from anywhere. You get written feedback from instructors on your assignments. The modules are assembled to resemble the in-person and live online course content. The disadvantage is the absence of collegial interaction, teamwork, and dialogue, which is a key component of facilitation. Participant manuals and materials are downloadable in PDF form.
All course graduates are encouraged to follow-up with some 1:1 coaching and join communities of practice we have set up to help extend and reinforce learning.