Meeting Agenda
Important knowledge for all meeting leaders.
We want to maximize participation from everybody in a meeting. This means planning the agenda so that people CAN say what they NEED to say. This helps to ensure commitment to the final result, and fast implementation after.
During this course you will learn the best practices that many professional facilitators use when planning meeting agenda for important clients. There are several levels of agenda and this course includes them all.
- Basic Agenda
- Enhanced Agenda
- Product Oriented Agenda
- ToP Facilitator’s Event Design
The course includes processes for contentious or difficult agenda items. Meeting Agenda is also covered in the Meetings That Work course.
A process is a flow of stages and steps that allows even the most difficult topic to be handled in a safe manner that gets results. A good process feels seamless to participants and involves everyone. This generates commitment.
There are videos of instructors and participants using the tools in real and simulated case studies. This demonstrates best practice use of the tools and methods. These videos remain available for a year.
Stages, steps and procedures are explained in detail.
This self directed course includes examples from actual clients as pictures, Portable Document Formats (PDFs) and PowerPoints (PPTs), so you know what can be achieved. These are all downloadable.
The course includes assignments that help build confidence in your own agenda design.
Your assignments can be uploaded to receive comments from ICA instructors or facilitators. You can contact them for further explanation.
- Learn how to create agenda “on the fly” with a group that has no agenda
- Learn the best order in which to put topics on an agenda
- Learn what to send out to participants in advance
- Get the ‘go-cart’, ‘smart car’, ‘Limousine’ and “Ferrari” versions of agenda design
- Learn how to design an agenda and process for the most difficult topics
- Create agenda that use can use in your certification portfolio at a later date.
This course demonstrates how Certified ToP (Technology of Participation) Facilitators get such great results from the meetings they lead.
- Multi-stakeholder meetings guiding a joint program or project.
- Project or program meetings keeping work on track and solving problems.
- Regular staff meetings updating and focusing staff.
- Planning sessions generating action and commitment.
- Think tanks building frameworks from many perspectives.
- Multi agenda meetings of seemingly unrelated items.
- Single agenda meetings requiring a breakthrough and plan